Leith Churches Together

Encouraging support and cooperation between the churches of Leith, Edinburgh.


…… to the website of Leith Churches Together (formerly Leith Council of Churches).

Walking, working, praying together

Our aim is to foster cooperation and fellowship between the churches of Leith and to enable us to serve God and our community together through action, prayer and dialogue.

Posted on May 8, 2018 by Steve Butler
We meet to worship together monthly in our lunchtime services. The dates and locations for this year are as follows:

May 9th – South Leith

June 13th – North Leith


August 8th – Duke Street

September 12th – St. Mary’s

October 10th – St James

November 14th – Ebenezer

December – NO SERVICE.

We also celebrate together as part of Leith Festival, this year our service will be on Sunday 10th June at St Mary’s Star of the Sea at 11.30 am. All very welcome.

LCT is also has links with Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland at Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre, and the Mission to Seafarers, organising Christmas gifts and cards to seafarers.

We also support the Summer Holiday club run by the YMCA and Scripture Union, which takes place in Leith at the beginning of July.

About us

Leith Churches Together (formerly Leith Council of Churches) has been in existence for over 25 years, and includes a remarkable range of traditions – Baptist, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican, United Free, Ukrainian Catholic, United Reformed Church, Methodist. Over the years, LCT has continued to explore ways of deepening the bonds between the churches, and encouraging mutual witness to the Gospel message through action and prayer, serving the community of Leith for tarifs billets visite musee vatican & chapelle sixtine.

LCT has an executive committee which meets every 2-3 months. See Committee page for details. The current office holders are:

Sally Fraser (Chair) – St Mary’s Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church
Joan Graham (Secretary) – Duke Street United Reformed Church
Anne Lamont (Treasurer)- North Leith Church of Scotland
Margot Hudson (Minute and Agenda Secretary) – North Leith Parish Church of Scotland

‘The churches should act together in all matters…. except those in which deep differences of conviction compel them to act separately.’ (Lund Principle, World Council of Churches, 1952)

Churches in Leith

Minister: David Scott
Tel. 0131 554 5498 (office)

email davidmscotturc@minister.com

Halls letting: please contact Brian Graham (briangraham24@gmail.com) to book, or enquire about, our halls.

Friendly Hour: held at 2 pm on Monday afternoons, usually with a guest speaker, and refreshments served afterwards. Eveyone welcome!

Organisations meeting in our church

Rainbows (age 5-7)
Tuesdays during term time, 6 – 7pm.

Brownies (age 7-10). Note: It is necessary for girls to be registered online (girlguiding.org.uk) before officially joining a local group.
Mondays 6.15 – 7.30pm

Guides (ages 10-15)
Mondays 7.30–9.00pm during term time.

Anchor Boys Wednesday 6.00-7.00pm primary 1-3

Contact Rev David Scott on davidmscotturc@minister.com

For all the above groups, contact Alison Douglas for more information. alisondouglas@btinternet.com

Our minister from 2010 to June 2015 was Rev. Andrew MacMillan. He and his wife May are now enjoying retirement.

Sunday services: 11.00am and 6.30pm. Children welcome.
Alongside other Leith churches and Christian traditions, the ministry of Ebenezer is aimed at helping local people find renewed faith in Christ and enabling them to express it in worship, prayer and daily life. Our Sunday morning service lasts about an hour and we also run a Sunday school, with an excellent creche for children aged up to 3. The service itself is fairly traditional, but, we hope, very welcoming and thought-provoking. All Age Worship services are held monthly. There is an Sunday evening service which is more informal and gives people the chance to meet in a smaller, but equally welcoming group. The building is fully wheelchair-accessible.

31 Bangor Road
Edinburgh EH6 5JX

0131 553 5243 (church office)

United Free Church website: www.ufcos.org.uk

Church address:

27-29 Madeira Street,

0131 553 4488 (office)



Monday to Friday 10.30am to 12.00 midday – Prayer
Friday 7.30pm – Prayer meeting.
Sunday morning 11.00am – Church service.
Sunday evening 6.30pm – Church service

Address: 1 Junction Place, Edinburgh, EH6 5JA
Tel. 0131 553 7877

For more information about the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church and YMCA Edinburgh, click here.

The City of Edinburgh Methodist Church now worships at:
25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9BX

Tel: 0131 221 9029
Minister: Deacon Belinda Letby
Emergency Pastor number: 07757 146 963
Website: www.edinburghmethodist.com

Our minister is Rev. Rob Mackenzie. Rob was inducted to the charge of Leith St Andrew’s on 12th February 2013.

Sunday service: 11.00am
Messy Church is normally held on the last Thursday of the month at 5pm. Please check the church website for holiday dates.
Oasis of Peace: Wednesdays at 10.15, followed by tea/coffee (check church website for up to date information).

For all enquiries please call the church office on 0131 553 8839 or e-mail leithstandrews@yahoo.co.uk. Details of our various groups and activities are on our church website (address below). We can also be found on Facebook through our email leithstandrews@hotmail.co.uk

410-412 Easter Road

We host a number of activities: a long-established parent and toddler group which welcomes all comers, Brownies, badminton, a lunch club and fellowship or prayer groups. Besides our church and main hall, we have a Session House in Madeira Place, which we use as a chapel for smaller or more informal services.

Our minister is Rev. Alex McAspurren, who came to us with his wife Louise in March 2011.

Alex and Louise

Alex came to us from Corby, in Northamptonshire, but was already known to many of us as he and Louise had previously spent time in Leith.

Sunday services: 11.00am (evening services take place during the run up to Christmas and Easter – see website for details)

Rev. Alex McAspurren: 0131 551 5252. Email amcaspurren@churchofscotland.org.uk

Session Clerk: Anne Lamont. Email: nlpc-sessionclerk@btconnect.com

Church Secretary: Eleanor Laidlaw. Email: nlpc-office@btconnect.com

Church Office (open Tuesday and Friday mornings):
1a Madeira Place
Edinburgh EH6 4AW

Tel: 0131 553 7378

Services: Sunday at 11 am.

Open Doorway Tuesday and Thursday: From 11 am to 1 pm, we serve tea, coffee and biscuits in the ‘Open Doorway’. the attractive entrance area which opens on to Leith Walk. Passers-by are welcome to come in for a friendly chat, or to visit the church. During the Edinburgh Festival, we host the ‘Pilrig Parlour’, with lunches served in the cafe at the back of the church from 11.30 to 2 pm. All welcome.

Location: 1A Pilrig Street
Edinburgh EH6 5AH
Tel. 0131 332 5736
Email: minister.psp@gmail.com

Address: Casselbank Street, Edinburgh EH6 5HA.

Interim Pastor: Andre Barbosa
Tel. 0131 553 2344

Email: contact@southleithbaptist.com

Sunday Services: 11.00pm and 6.30pm

Tuesday (fortnightly) 2.30pm: Baptist Women’s Fellowship
Wednesday 7.30pm: Prayer meeting/ House groups
Thursday 9.30-11.30am: Toy Library
11.00am – 2.00pm: Friendship Cafe

We hope you will be able to join us! See also our own website (click on link below).

Minister: Rev. Iain May. Iain was inducted to the churage on 18 April 2012.

Rev. Iain May

Sunday service: 11.00am. Tea/coffee before the service from 10.15.

Church office: South Leith Parish Church Halls, 6 Henderson Street, EH6 6BS

Tel. 0131 554 2578, email slpc@dial.pipex.com

Looking for a venue? The South Leith Parish Halls in Henderson Street are an ideal venue to hold seminars, private functions, workshops or one to one meetings. Information and prices can be found on the Halls’ webpage – follow the links from our church website below, or click here.

Email: developing@dial.pipex.com, or call 0131 554 2578.

Our services are held in the St James’ Church Hall (entrance from John’s Place). We gather from 10.30 am onwards and our worship normally begins around 10.45 am.

12 John’s Place

Contact: Rev. Stephen Butler

Email: rector@stjamesleith.org

Our mission is that of the Oblates, that “Profoundly respecting the dignity and sacredness of each person, we seek to grow close to Christ and make him known through our way of life and ministry. We commit ourselves principally to those on the margins of church and society.”

Parish priest: Fr Martin Moran OMI

Fr Lylie Fernando OMI

Pastoral Associate: Sally Fraser

Tel: 0131 554 2482 (church office)
Email: info@stmarysstarofthesea.org


Saturday Vigil 6.00 pm
Sunday 10.30am

Monday – Friday 12.00 noon

Holyday of Obligation
Morning Mass 12.00 noon
Evening Mass 7.30 pm

Saturday 5.30 pm or by appointment. Baptism and marriages by appointment

24 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh EH6 8SA

Divine Liturgy: Sunday, 11.00 am

Priest: Father Vasyl Krenus
Email: vkrenus@gmail.com
Tel: 0131 556 5445 / 07432 418056

The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) publishes a regular newsletter. Click on the link to their website for contact details and more information: www.augb.co.uk

The Edinburgh branch is at 14 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5AB.
Tel. 0131 556 7622



For information about the Leith Port Chaplaincy or the Cruise Ship Visitors scheme, contact Tim Bell, Port Chaplain, 0131 555 2500. Email: tbell@sailors-society.org

For information about Leith Churches Together, contact

– your own church’s representative (see Committee Members page)

– our officeholders as appropriate:

Chair: Rev. Steve Butler, St James’ Episcopal Church (rector@stjamesleith.org)
Vice-Chair: Ann Monaghan, Leith Baptist Church (annmonaghan17@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Jack Kerr, St Mary Star of the Sea RC (jbkerr@aftonterrace.co.uk)
Minute and agenda secretary: Margot Hudson, North Leith Parish Church (hudsonz@blueyonder.co.uk)

Mission and Discipleship Councile-news

1Mission and Discipleship Councile-newsEdition No 66, March 2012Welcome to another edition of e-news, giving information on events and resourcesspecifically from the Mission & Discipleship Council.If introduced to e-news by someone else forwarding it to you, please contact us and we willadd you to the distribution list. If you would prefer to be removed from the list, please e-mail„UNSUBSCRIBE E-NEWS’ to sreeves@cofscotland.org.ukConferences and EventsINSPIRE II is a conference organised by Mission Development Worker, Steve Aisthorpe, andLochaber Presbytery. Inspiring worship and word will be followed by a selection of workshopson themes related to youth work, mental health issues and Messy Church. 24 March, 10am–3.30pm, Kilmallie Church (Caol, near Fort William). The event is free, but registration isessential and a simple soup and sandwich lunch will be available on the day at a modestcharge. To register, contact Ella Gill on 01967 431834 or Lochaber@cofscotland.org.ukIAN MASSON FRASER ‘Work, Prayer, Thought’ Ian Fraser has been described as Scotland‟sgreatest living theologian, whose theology is lived out in action, prayer and poetry. Thisconference provides a rare opportunity to explore, in the round, the ways in which Ian‟s giftsof thought and language have expressed themselves, in a unique witness for our times.Contributors include Ian Fraser himself, Kathy Galloway, Elizabeth Templeton, Tim Duffy,Douglas Galbraith, Alison Jack and Elspeth King. The conference is being organised byStirling‟s Drummond Trust, in association with the Scottish Storytelling Centre, and the Smith ArtGallery and Museum. 24 March, 10am–5.30pm, Allan Park South Church, Dumbarton Road,Stirling, with further events in Holy Trinity Church and the Smith. Cost (including buffet lunchand tea/coffee throughout the day until 3.45pm) is £10; senior citizens, students, under 18sand unwaged, £8. Wine and soft drinks will be available at the smith where donations to therestoration fund are welcome. To book, contact the Scottish Storytelling Centre on 0131 5569579 or reception@scottishstorytellingcentre.comFor further information, contact theConference Co-ordinator, Donald Smith, at donald@scottishstorytellingcentre.comThe conference programme is as follows:Part One: Allan Park South Church, 10am – 3.30pm10.15am: I was There; Where was God? Crisis and Liberation in a Life Journey – interview andopen discussion (Ian Fraser and Ian Cranston, with Donald Smith).11.30am: One Christ; One Church Ecumenism and Theology in the Life and Thought of IanFraser – presentations followed by group discussion (Elizabeth Templeton and Tim Duffy).1.00pm: Lunch2–3.30pm: Naming the Powers Political Witness in the Life and Thought of Ian Fraser –presentations followed by general discussion and debate (Ian Fraser and Kathy Galloway).Part Two: Holy Trinity Church 4pm – 5pmWords are Worlds Creativity and Language in the Life and Thought of Ian Fraser (DouglasGalbraith, Alison Jack with the Gargunnock Songsters)Part Three: Smith Art Gallery and Museum 5.15pm – 6.15pmHanselling the Buiks Launching writings new and renewed (Elspeth King and AndyCampbell, with Ian Fraser)
2MISSION SHAPED MINISTRY Suitable for all denominations, this course consists of 24 unitsdelivered over a combination of Saturdays and a residential weekend. Individuals or teams,leaders and members, clergy and lay people learn side by side in the sessions to make msma major contributor to lay and ordained ministry training. Course content includes themission of God, vision and values, gospel and culture, evangelism, discipleship, leadershipand team roles, spirituality, worship and the sacraments, how to keep going when things gettough, and what is Church? A new course will begin on 5 May (until 12 January 2013), withSaturday sessions (9am–3.30pm) at Sheddocksley Baptist Church, Aberdeen. Cost: £300 perperson, which covers all materials, refreshments and the weekend away. Church ofScotland ministers may use their Study Leave allocation, and financial support may beavailable for other people. For further information, contact Anna Reid on 0131 225 5722 orareid@cofscotland.org.uk or visit www.missionshapedministry.org/aberdeen12TRANSFORMING DISCIPLESHIP – following Jesus in the 21st century This one-day conference isdesigned to explore – biblically and practically – what it means to be a 21st century disciple.It will be a mix of teaching, stories, models and conversations to inspire and encourage, andthe style of the day will be provocative, motivating and challenging. The conference will beled by Bishop Graham Cray of Fresh Expressions, and case studies will feature some of theChurch of Scotland emerging church projects. 12 May, 9am–3.30pm, Queen‟s Park BaptistChurch, 20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow G42 4RT. £20 including lunch. For further information andto book, visit www.transformingdiscipleship.org.uk or contact QPBC on 0141 423 3963 oroffice@qpbc.org The conference is jointly sponsored by QPBC, Mission Scotland, EvangelicalAlliance Scotland and the Mission & Discipleship Council‟s Church Without Walls Team.WHY BELIEVE? Two conferences have been organised to help people „give a reason‟ for thefaith. The emphasis will be on workshops to help church members explore contemporaryways of responding both to new questions and classic issues, like science, suffering andpluralism, and also to explore the opportunities of today‟s changing social contexts inpresenting the claims of Jesus Christ.What can I say? – commending faith in a sceptical age. 12 May, Palmerston Place Church,Edinburgh EH12 5AA. Keynote Speaker is Amy Orr-Ewing, evangelist and training director forthe Zacharias Trust, Oxford. Delegates can attend three workshops from the following:“All that stuff about God? It really doesn‟t matter!” What can I say in an age of APATHY?Led by Peter Neilson, church leader and consultant in Christian communication.“No God could allow this!” What can I say in an age of SUFFERING? Led by Amy Orr–Ewing,keynote speaker.“We don‟t need any other explanations!” What can I say in an age of SCIENCE? Led byWilson Poon, Professor of Physics, Edinburgh University, and Fellow of the Royal Society ofEdinburgh.“Why Jesus – I can find God anywhere!” What can I say in an age of TOLERANT PLURALISM?Led by Pauline Hoggarth, writer and facilitator of Bible reading in different cultures.“I trust only what I can see – and enjoy!” What can I say in an age of MATERIALISM? Led byDavid McCarthy, Senior Pastor at St Silas Church, Glasgow.“Christianity is the root of all evil!” What can I say in an age of ILLUSIONS? Led by ColinSinclair, international conference speaker and minister of Palmerston Place Church.How can I say it? – sharing faith in a post-modern age. 27 October, Queen’s Park Church ofScotland, 170 Queen’s Drive, Glasgow G42 8QZ. Keynote Speaker is Jeremy Begbie,theologian, musician and professor at Duke University, USA. Delegates can attend threeworkshops from the following:Faith in the Workplace Led by Ruth Walker, Mission Scotland.Faith and Social Media Led by Stewart Cutler, Children and Youth Development Officer forthe URC Synod of Scotland.Faith and FilmLed by Jolyon Mitchell, Director of the Edinburgh University Centre forTheology and Public Issues.
3Faith and Using Print Media Led by Lynne McNeill, Editor of Life and Work.Faith and Learning Difficulties (leader tbc)Faith and Using the Bible Imaginatively (leader tbc)Conference Fees: What Can I Say? £10; How Can I Say It? £15. Or book both conferencesnow for a combined cost of only £20! Tea & Coffee are included, but please bring a packedlunch. (Crèche facilities cannot be offered.)To Book: Contact Sheila Reeves on 0131 225 5722 ext 2239 or sreeves@cofscotland.org.uk torequest a Booking Form to pay by cheque, or call to book and pay by credit card. Pleasenote –places are limited, and workshops will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.HEART and SOUL 2012 is the follow-up to last year‟s Roll Away the Stone celebration onGeneral Assembly Sunday in Princes Street Gardens. This year‟s event will embrace the fulllength and breadth of West Princes Street Gardens, with more attractions, stalls, exhibitors,and activities for children and young people. 20 May, 1–6pm. Again, there will be a massedchoir at closing worship, made up of singers from all over the land. Numbers will be limited to250, so if you would like to take part, sign up soon at www.heartandsoul2012.org.ukNew for this year will be dedicated space for individual congregations to tell their story abouthow it is – or aspires to be – the „Heart and Soul‟ of the local community. Applications will beprioritised on the basis of how well they reflect the event‟s theme of Seek, Love, Serve. Forfurther information and to apply, visit the website as above.Look out for information in future editions of e-news regarding the Mission & DiscipleshipCouncil‟s stall.BREAKING BARRIERS – the National Youth Assembly 2012 will explore some of the barriers thatprevent us from getting to where we‟d like to be, or even who we‟d like to be! Social,political, financial, technological, cultural and even theological are some of the barriers weencounter in our lives. How might we overcome them and explore difficult things that mayhelp us to break down the barriers and bring about change in the world?Over the four residential days of the NYA there will be the daily debate providing anopportunity to explore issues and to tell the wider church what you think. And each daythere will be time for worship, prayer, celebration, fun, exploring faith, encounter, exchangeand conversation. And some sleep!If you‟re aged 16-25 years and have a connection to the Church of Scotland then you‟rewarmly invited to come to the National Youth Assembly which takes place in Dundee at theWest Park Conference Centre from 10–13 August.Places are LIMITED, so please book early to avoid disappointment! To book, contact LesleyCameron on 0131 225 5722 or lcameron@cofscotland.org.uk or book online atwww.madstuff.bizFollow Church of Scotland Youth on Twitter @cosy_nya Join the COSY group Facebookpage at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1113199679#!/groups/179615422095406/* * * * * * * Planning is underway for a NATIONAL MUSIC EVENT on 16 March 2013 * * * * * * *Specifically for Church Musicians, Worship Leaders (lay and ordained), Children and YouthWorkers, Church based Community Arts Workers, Conductors, Organists and members ofchoirs and orchestras. We will be celebrating a variety of styles of music from contemporary,classical, children’s and community music. Look out for further information in future editionsof e-news……Scottish Storytelling Centre and Network43–45 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SRwww.scottishstorytellingcentre.co.ukSUBSCRIBE TO THE WEEKLY EVENTS BULLETIN by clicking here:http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001DFR05IDUFUUaoAlv4ZIClA%3D%3D
4EVENTSTo book tickets, contact Reception on 0131 556 9579 orreception@scottishstorytellingcentre.comCeilidh CultureNow in its 10th year, Ceilidh Culture is Edinburgh‟s annual traditional arts festival and a greatopportunity to get involved with the traditional arts, whether it is music, song, dance orstorytelling – right in the heart of Scotland‟s capital city. Look out for more Ceilidh Cultureevents in April at the Centre.A Time to Keep (Music)Poet and songwriter Lise Sinclair from Fair Isle performs an intimate acoustic set of songs fromher forthcoming CD A Time to Keep, based on George Mackay Brown‟s collection of shortstories of the same title. Tying Scottish and Nordic cultures across time, Lise will be joined bythe album‟s co-writer, Astvaldur Traustasson of Iceland, as well as a host of players fromOrkney and Shetland – Bryan Cromarty, Inge Thomson and Ewen Thomson – plus Icelandictranslations by Adalstein Asberg Sigurdsson. Funded by Creative Scotland and Scotland‟sIslands. 15 March | 7.30pm (2hrs) | £8/£6 |12+An Irish Jaunt (Storytelling)Join charismatic Claire McNicol, mighty Alexander Mckenzie and dauntless David Campbell,along with the acclaimed piper Hamish Moore, who invite you to an Irish celebration of story,music and song. 16 March | 7.30pm (90mins) | £6/£4 |14+Through New Eyes: BSL Performance (Storytelling)A night of storytelling in British Sign Language to celebrate the eve of „BSL Day‟, taking placethroughout the UK on Sun 18 Mar. Combining live performance with film, this evening willpresent new perspectives on old fables and showcase innovative signed stories for bothchildren and adults, introducing the audience to a wide range of signing styles, from „plain‟BSL to richer and more visual forms of the language. Performed in BSL with only theintroduction and closing remarks interpreted into English, this performance will be mostsuitable for people with some interest in or knowledge of BSL, including those attending BSLclasses. www.actualsigns.com 17 March | 7pm (2hrs) | £8/£6 |14+Tiny Tales (Storytelling)Spring is in the air and the Garden Guzzler is hungry again! Join Sylvia Troon and her gardenfairyfolk for songs, rhymes and weathery adventures! 20 March | 10am & 11.30am (40mins) |£6 per child | Age 6mths-2yrsThe Coming of the Unicorn (Storytelling)“Stories are something you carry with you, something to last your entire life, to be passed onto your children, and their children for evermore.” (Duncan Williamson).Join us incelebrating the release of Duncan‟s posthumous collection of wonderful folk and fairytalesfor children, collected from the traditions of Travellers, as well as the crofters, farmers, andshepherds he met along the way. The Coming of the Unicorn includes tales of cunning foxesand storytelling cats, hunchbacked ogres and beautiful unicorns, helpful broonies andmysterious fairies, rich kings and fearsome warriors, as well as stories about ordinary folks tryingto make their way in the world. Linda Williamson and David Campbell come together tocelebrate Duncan‟s unique storytelling voice, full of colour, humour and life. 22 March | 7pm(1hr) | £5/£3 |8+Tall Tales Oscar (Storytelling)Hilarious, mysterious or plain ridiculous – listen to tall tales, ferocious fibs and fables performedlive on stage by Scotland‟s finest tellers, then you decide who wins the lucrative accolade ofOscar the Leprechaun! Scotland‟s annual tall tales storytelling competition is hosted by lastyear‟s outrageously amusing winner, Jack Martin. A guaranteed crowd-pleaser, booking inadvance is recommended. 24 March | 7.30pm (2hrs 30mins) | £8/£6 |14+
5Guid Crack (Storytelling)Edinburgh‟s monthly adult storytelling session at The Waverley Bar presents an open floorspecial for the Ceilidh Culture festival. Accompanied young adults welcome. 30 March |7.30pm (2hrs 30mins) | By donation (suggest £3) |AdultsMovings of the Spirit (Music and Storytelling)Through story and song, Mairi Campbell and David Francis explore the life of Mairi‟sgrandfather, Duncan Campbell: Highlander, seanachaidh and itinerant preacher. 30 March| 8pm (1hr) | £10/£7 |14+GODDESS: Women’s History MonthWe are used to seeing women in images; often this portrayal is predictable, derogatory andeven damaging. What happens when a group of female artists are let loose and invited toexpress how they see the female experience? A feast for the eyes that is both beautiful andchallenging, enjoy a range of work on display from established, emerging and communityartists. Many pieces will also be available to buy. Strange Theatre presents this exhibitionand accompanying series of events in collaboration with the Scottish Storytelling Centre tocelebrate the 101st International Women’s Day (on 8 March) and Women’s History Monthduring March. Also, don‟t miss the accompanying workshops „Ancient and ModernGoddesses‟ and „Making Your Own Red Shoes‟ on 9 and 10 March. Full details are availablehere: http://scottishstorytellingcentre.co.uk/events/main_event_display.asp?id=232TRAINING EVENTSPlease book through Reception 0131 556 9579 or reception@scottishstorytellingcentre.comSigning Stories Intermediate skills | SkillsExplore the performance of signed stories and poetry, and begin to discover your ownstorytelling language, with the aim of telling and retelling signed stories to Deaf and hearingaudiences. This day-long workshop is facilitated by BSL trainer and Deaf storyteller MarkMacQueen and Deaf linguist Gary Quinn of Heriot Watt University, in partnership with ActualSigns. Designed for native BSL users and advanced level BSL users. Don‟t miss an exciting BSLstorytelling performance the same evening! 17 March | 10am-4pm | £36/£32 NetworkMembersScottish Step Stories | Themes | Traditions, communities and culturesExplore Scottish step dancing with an evening of practical techniques and a dip into thetales and traditions the dance stems from. 28 March | 5-8pm | £30/£26 Network MembersTelling Scottish Folktale | Intermediate skills |Traditions, communities & culturesGet back to the roots of Scotland‟s oral storytelling heritage with a day that explores folktalesand their contexts, and offers some pointers on telling and retelling the tales today. Withstoryteller and writer Janis Mackay. 31 March | 10am-1pm | £30/£26 Network MembersTraveller Traditions | Themes | Traditions, communities & culturesDiscover the story tradition of Scotland‟s Travelling people, and pick up some tales and tipsfor re-telling, with storyteller and writer Jess Smith. For storytellers and others interested inlearning about and sharing the stories of Scotland‟s rich Traveller culture. 31 March | 2-5pm| £30/£26 Network MembersResourcesDIFFERENT VOICES is an online magazine about church music in Scotland, produced by theMission & Discipleship Council. It is for all those who sing in choirs, congregations and praisegroups, play organs or other instruments, and all who plan, lead and choose music andhymns for worship. The price is £4 per issue and details of how to order can be found here:
6http://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/worship/music_for_worshipTherearemanyadvantages to this move to a new media – networking the readership more easily,embedding mp3 files and videos of new music into the magazine, linking directly to externalresources, allowing the reader to change font size to suit and even voice reading softwarefor the blind (via pdf reader programmes). The main advantage will be user-generatedcontent – that is, the ability for readers to make contributions, comment on existing articles,ask hard questions and share practical ideas with one another. This opportunity forinteraction with one another certainly promises a new way of experiencing „DifferentVoices‟. Further enquires can be made to Anna Reid, Senior Administrator for the FaithExpression Team, on 0131 225 5722 ext 2359 or areid@cofscotland.org.ukPREACHER PERSPECTIVES At the end of each month, the Mission & Discipleship Councilpublishes a short manual on preaching, to develop your own skills or to train others. Thesemanuals have been written by some of the church in Scotland‟s most practiced preachers,and are aimed both at those familiar with the art of preaching and those brand new to it. Todownload the material, visithttp://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/worship/starters_for_sunday/preacher_perspectivesFor any further information, contact Anna Reid, Senior Administrator for the Faith ExpressionTeam, on 0131 225 5722 ext 2359 or areid@cofscotland.org.uk[See also the Good News section]FUTURE FOCUS: a way forward for congregations Future Focus is a facilitated resource.General information is available to download at Future Focus information but to request afacilitator please contact the Mission & Discipleship Council at mandd@cofscotland.org.ukPRAY IT FORWARD This popular initiative features an attractive collection of high qualitycredit-card sized cards carrying a range of blessings inspired from scripture, for churches andindividuals to give away free to others. The aim of the cards is to encourage and bless therecipient, and to encourage them to pray for, and bless, someone else in turn, ie to focusoutward, and not just on what God can do for ME! They are ideal for use in outreach,pastoral care and personal contexts (eg pop one in with each greetings card you sendthroughout the year). Each box of 80 cards features an assortment of 8 different designs. £5per box. To order, visit www.madstuff.biz or email mandd@cofscotland.org.ukPRESBYTERY ADULT TRAINERS are available to run training events in congregations andPresbyteries. If anyone would like to contact a PAT, or find out how to become a PATthemselves, contact Pauline Steenbergen, Leadership Development Worker, on 07854711988 or psteenbergen@cofscotland.org.ukNEWS FROM ST ANDREW PRESSA VERY SPECIAL OFFER to all readers … Insights Easter by William Barclay, with a foreword byDiane Louise JordanA short, simple and searingly insightful guide to why the Easter story remains so importanttoday – ideal for individuals, for Bible study and as a really meaningful gift.The Insights series is written by Scotland‟s most loved Bible commentator, William Barclay.With his roots in the Church of Scotland, Barclay‟s down-to-earth books have sold over 17million copies worldwide. His thrilling enthusiasm will refresh, renew and excite your owndepth of understanding of the New Testament. Barclay‟s writing helps all the generations to„know better their Bible, their God and their Saviour‟.To buy: SPECIAL OFFER: available only through St Andrew Press distributor – Norwich Booksand Music: RRP is £6.99 – but you can buy for £5 inclusive of P&P for UK orders. Call now on01603 785925; fax 01603 785915; or e-mail orders@norwichbooksandmusic.co.uk. Orders arefulfilled quickly and you can pay by credit or debit card. CODE EASTER12 must be quoted inorder for the offer to be applied. Offer closes at 12 noon on 4 April. UK customers only.International P&P rates on application.
7PRAY NOW 2012 – Daily Devotions on the Theme of Time Pray Now is a popular annualcollection of modern prayers for all, whatever their denomination, written by individuals,prayer groups and leaders of worship. It offers a place to start when you feel you have nowords of your own, and prayer activities that allow time to think and space to listen. Thisyear‟s theme is „Time‟. The Pray Now Group is a team of experts who care deeply about therole of prayer in our lives. Drawn from an ecumenically minded Church of Scotland group,their work is written for a wide, diverse and international readership. OUT NOW! ISBN:9780861535972Bulk offer (UK addresses only)1-9 copies are priced at £7.99 each. 10 or more are £6.99 each. If you order 100 or more,they are £4.99 each.[See also the Good News section]SEEDS & ROOTS This DVD tells the stories of seven „fresh expressions‟ of church, most of whichare not quite what are generally recognised as church yet, but the missional instinct of thesepioneers is driving them on to plant new expressions of church in areas and among networksnot presently being reached by our churches. Discussion starters are included for use withKirk Sessions, Bible Study groups or other small groups to see if they might feel called toconsider a new expression of church where you are. The DVD can also be shown duringworship or in other public meetings simply to raise awareness of this important agenda fortoday, to inform and to encourage those who are interested in one of the ways God‟s spirit ismoving in our land. £10. To order, visit www.madstuff.biz/browse-resources/details/48/seeds-&-roots-dvd.htmlThree of the initiatives are featured in the report by John and Olive Drane – ‘Reformed,Reforming, Emerging, and Experimenting’, a study in contextual theology reflecting theexperiences of initiatives in emerging ministry being funded by the Church of Scotland –copies of which are available free of charge by contacting mandd@cofscotland.org.ukSTARTERS FOR SUNDAY offers a range of suggested material which can be used each weekfor individuals and congregations to develop. Sometimes there may be backgroundmaterial to the readings, at other times it may be ideas for deepening prayer, or involvingchildren, or using drama. Musical suggestions are usually included. For further information,visit www.churchofscotland.org.uk/worship/starters_for_sunday [See also the Good Newssection]WHY BELIEVE? is a resource to encourage the Scottish churches to provide a reasoned casefor Christian belief (apologetics) amid the challenges and opportunities of today‟s Scotland.It brings together a group of Christians of different denominations, administered within theMission & Discipleship Council, and also supported by ACTS (Action of Churches Together inScotland). To download the „What Can I Say?‟ leaflet, giving brief responses to some thingsthat people say about Christianity, click here:http://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/5479/what_can_i_say.pdf[See the Events section for details of two conferences.]The group has created a new website, providing access to a wide range of resources,including text, audio and video clips. “If you always wanted to know about God… but wereafraid to ask”, visit www.godsearchscotland.org.ukRural ChurchROYAL HIGHLAND SHOW: 21–24 JuneVolunteer representatives from various denominations are sought, as follows:•People who are gifted at interacting/chatting with others.•People who could pray with others.•People to hand out leaflets.•People to make tea and coffee for the public.•People to help set up the marquee on 18 June (normally from about 9am).
8•People to clear out the marquee on 24 June (normally from about 5–8pm, but could bea little later).For further information and to request a Volunteer Form, contact Lesley Cameron on 0131225 5722 or lcameron@cofscotland.org.uk before 4 May. Training will be available on 12May.If you are unable to volunteer, we would ask you to remember us in prayer for this importantoutreach from the Churches in Scotland to one of the largest gatherings of people inScotland.THE SCOTTISH CHURCHES RURAL GROUP now has a Facebook page. To view and/or join, visithttp://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/churchesinruralscotland/GOOD NEWS / HELP REQUIREDBODY AND SOUL FAIRS – anam cara (Christian mystical accompaniment)For the last year the Council has had a presence at Body and Soul Fairs in Glasgow andEdinburgh, inviting people to explore Christian spirituality and faith. The team are there topray with and for folk, and to offer help and assistance with prayer for people who haveperhaps never thought of praying before.At each event we have been given the opportunity of an hour long seminar slot, where wehave covered a variety of subjects – from finding the spiritual practices which suit you best,to the Sermon on the Mount, and inviting people to think about blessing. It was in thiscontext that the Pray it Forward cards were developed, and have been very warmlyreceived there.At the most recent event last month in Glasgow, we had the privilege of engaging with over100 individuals who came to us for prayer, to be blessed, to ask for prayer for loved ones, tochat about their own spiritual experiences or ask how they might explore Christianity further.Some commented on how safe it felt to sit and talk at our stall.Leaflets are available on the stall giving the anam cara ethos, as follows:Christian: We are rooted in the Christian faith. We believe in one living God, who became ahuman being in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, in order to open up a new way for us to livein relationship and harmony with God and each other.Mystical:Mystical Christianity is primarily experiential, rather than intellectual. Throughengagement with symbolism, ritual, ancient wisdom, the arts and nature, we can encounterthe living God in a way which goes beyond intellectual understanding.Accompaniment: Anam Cara is an ancient Celtic term, meaning Soul Friend. The AnamCara was someone who accompanied the spiritual traveller, pointing out signs of God‟s lovealong the way. Our desire is to accompany you – even for a short time – in your spiritualexploration, and to provide resources for your journey.For further information, contact mandd@cofscotland.org.ukLIFE AND WORK feature writer, Jackie Macadam, has a request……We‟re thinking about a series called „The Sign of the Cross‟, where we‟ll feature specialcrosses in churches across Scotland. Some churches have crosses made for a special reasonor by a special person. Maybe even out of a special material. Or for a particular reason.We‟ll be looking for a good photograph of the cross and tell its story. Could I ask peopleworking in churches across the community to keep an eye open for interesting crosses andget me in touch with someone who will tell the story. Please email me onjmacadam@lifeandwork.org and tell me all about the cross that holds a special place in yourchurch or community.EQUIP – inspiring and resourcing your congregation. The third of three events was heldrecently in Paisley Abbey. Here‟s what some delegates had to say:
9 I found the day very worthwhile, especially having the opportunity of meeting peoplewho had a different perspective, and so the exchange of views with a number ofdifferent people was both helpful and illuminating. Very interesting ideas which I would hope to use as a „springboard‟. Really enjoyed the day. I learned a lot and it was awesome and humbling to beamongst so many dedicated folks. Thank you. Thank you so much for a wonderful inspiring day. To be honest, I did not arrive with highexpectations but I left on a real spiritual high. It was a valuable and informative day andI met so many people who were so full of grace – it was just the lift I was needing.PREACHERS’ PERSPECTIVESSome comments from users of this new resource: I am very happy to report that, as most of the members of our church House Group leadworship midweek on a regular basis, we used the Preacher Perspectives material for afew weeks in January and early February. Many thanks for a very valuable resource. I am a Reader-in-training and have been finding your Preachers series very helpful, andmostly quite down-to-earth and practical, although this varies between contributors. It‟sa very good idea and I am looking forward to the next one. I have just had a look at the material in ‘Preachers Perspectives’ and will find this veryuseful in my preparation of Services. Thank you very much[For details of how to access this, see the Resources section.]PRAY NOWThe following was received by email: Just to tell you how much I am enjoying and benefiting from the new Pray Now. Havenot had it before and it is so beautiful to read and re-read and so full of thoughtful ideas.What a treat and a help. Many thanks to the Faith Expression Team for all the work,thought and prayer that must have gone into this beautiful daily devotion book.[For details of how to order copies, see the Resources section.]STARTERS FOR SUNDAYThis area has been receiving the greatest number of monthly „hits‟ on the Church of Scotlandwebsite for a while– and has now risen to 16,000!![For details of how to access this, see the Resources section.]Trusts/FundingEMERGING MINISTRIES FUND was set up in 2008 by the Church of Scotland to explore andencourage new patterns of church around Scotland. The fund is available to congregationsand Presbyteries, who can apply for grants in relation to local or Presbytery-wide need.Applications will be considered by the Emerging Ministries Task Group at regular meetingsthroughout the year. For information on how to apply and to download the guidance notes,visit www.churchofscotland.org.uk/connect/emerging_church#fund